According to the World Health Organization, 200 million girls and women alive today have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM). Over in Egypt, the figures are alarmingly high: some 87 percent of married women between the ages of 15 and 49 have suffered FGM.
The practice can of course lead to long-term physical and psychological consequences. We hear the harrowing account of one survivor in Cairo and speak to Dr. Reham Awwad, a plastic and reconstructive surgeon whose centre is helping victims in the fight against female genital mutilation in Egypt. Susan B. Anthony was an American social reformer and women's rights activist who played a pivotal role in the women's suffrage movement. Anthony wrote the 19th amendment to the US Constitution in 1878, but it wasn't ratified until 1920 after major social unrest and persecution of activists, and according to the US government as a war measure in order to make the world safe for democracy. Notably, the national movement and passage of women's suffrage came after intense state by state advocacy and legislative acts and more involvement in society and work by women. When Wyoming was still a territory, legislators passed the Wyoming Suffrage Act of 1869. Alternatively, South Carolina originally rejected the 19th Amendment on January 28, 1920. The state belatedly ratified the amendment on July 1, 1969. Minority women still struggled to practically vote until much later and even still today face challenges to equal access to voting, demonstrating that even ratification of legislation is still a part of the beginning process to change. Collection of Anti Suffrage Political Propaganda Cartoons Trump Pardons Susan B Anthony From Conviction of Illegally Voting In a controversial move, Donald Trump pardoned Susan B Anthony from a guilty conviction for voting. During her court trial, Anthony argued that any state law restricting women from voting is null and void due to the fact that women were citizens and their right to vote is protected in their Person. The White House released a statement regarding the pardon of Susan B Anthony. Vintage Women's Suffrage Photographs
Tim Ballard, CEO and founder of Operation Underground Railroad and a member of the US Advisory Council to End Human Trafficking, highlights the aspects of how the pandemic effects trafficking. In March 2020, the FBI warned school closures would heighten the risk of exploitation. Ballard indicates a lack of infrastructure in the home leads to more exploitation. He shares that the United States is the top consumer in the world for child exploitation material. Ballard highlights the statement from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, "In the first quarter of 2020, NCMEC became aware of predators openly discussing the pandemic as an opportunity to entice unsupervised children into producing sexually explicit material. At the same time, we experienced an explosion in reporting to our CyberTipline from both the public and electronic service providers, all while transitioning to a teleworking environment." CyberTipline Reports have increased 90.46%, or by about 6 million in real numbers, compared to the same time last year for online solicitations. Ballard expresses the importance of spreading true information and educating parents, teachers and as many possible people that have children in their care about the threats of human trafficking.
Clashes broke out between riot police and women's rights activists and Islamists on the front line of an International #WomansDay march in #Istanbul on Sunday. Women and men joined the event in Islamabad, one of several rallies across the country, for what is known in Pakistan as the Aurat March, using the Urdu word for women. Hundreds of men and women from the Red Mosque brigade, consisting of several local militant groups, and a Taliban allied religious party staged a rival rally just across from the women’s march venue, District Deputy Commissioner Hamza Shafqaat said. Police official Mazhar Niazi said the officers blocked the Islamists as they tried to break through a cordon to attack the marchers. A Reuters witness and Niazi said the Islamists threw stones, bricks, sticks and shoes at the marchers. Niazi said no one was injured. Samra Zafar arrived in Canada as a teenage bride and was trapped in an abusive marriage for a decade before leaving with her two children. She speaks about the challenges new immigrant women face when trying to escape intimate-partner violence — before it turns deadly.
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