Special Forces, known as Spetsnaz, in Russia busted a webcam studio operated by a gang. The incident was caught on live broadcast where men were seen barging into rooms and arresting some of the performers, including one model known as Kira Knowles. This video shows the special forces fully prepared for the tactical mission as they sneak over a back fence and into what looks like a residential house being used as a studio. This video also shows the agents counting and reporting what is said to be about $176,000 USD in cash and seized equipment.
It is reported that the operation was highly organized by known gang members and also included about 28 women entertainers who were also arrested along with 8 gang members, six from Krasnoyarsk and two from Moscow. Criminal cases were initiated under the articles "Organization of a criminal community (criminal organization) or participation in it" and "Illegal production and circulation of pornographic materials or objects". The leaders of the Krasnoyarsk and Moscow groups were imprisoned for 2 months by the court. Tim Ballard, CEO and founder of Operation Underground Railroad and a member of the US Advisory Council to End Human Trafficking, highlights the aspects of how the pandemic effects trafficking. In March 2020, the FBI warned school closures would heighten the risk of exploitation. Ballard indicates a lack of infrastructure in the home leads to more exploitation. He shares that the United States is the top consumer in the world for child exploitation material. Ballard highlights the statement from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, "In the first quarter of 2020, NCMEC became aware of predators openly discussing the pandemic as an opportunity to entice unsupervised children into producing sexually explicit material. At the same time, we experienced an explosion in reporting to our CyberTipline from both the public and electronic service providers, all while transitioning to a teleworking environment." CyberTipline Reports have increased 90.46%, or by about 6 million in real numbers, compared to the same time last year for online solicitations. Ballard expresses the importance of spreading true information and educating parents, teachers and as many possible people that have children in their care about the threats of human trafficking.
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